Where the tiniest of tots become mighty Rugby Stars! Our Micros class is a magical introduction to rugby, filled with delightful activities, rugby play, and foundational movements to kickstart your little one’s journey into the world of sports.

We aim to deliver sessions that teach rugby values and key skills through a series of structured activities and games that are centred around developing a sense of passion and love for the sport.

Throughout classes which are designed and tailored specifically for children aged 2 to 3, we incorporate various learning strategies that are key to all round development. We also implement lots of colour recognition, counting and fun themes to allow children to learn through play.

Rugby Stars - Rugby for Tots and Children aged 2 to 7 years in Kibworth and Market Harborough
  • For girls and boys aged 2 to 3 years old
  • 45 minute sessions
  • Weekly reward system
  • Parents stay and play